How we work

Since GSB is composed of 5 associations, we work with two different committees, each having their own tasks. We have the international committee and the national committee.

Each committee can create working groups when needed, to work on a specific topic. The people who composes those working groups depends on the topics and are not limited to the GSB team. We can invite people of one of the five associations to join a working group.

The two committees together form the GSB conference.

You can find a detailled chart on the organisation on the organisation chart page.

The international committee

The international committee is composed of the International Commissioners of each association and the people involved at world level in WAGGGS or WOSM. His tasks focuses on the international topics.

The national committee

The national committee is composed of the Chief Commissioners of the five associations of GSB. They work on national topics and focuses on collaboration between the five associations.

You can discover who is involved in both of this committees on the people involved page.